Having written a few 'books-in-a-series,' I can completely relate to something my good friend Clare Revell said the other day. She expressed joy at being able to share the concluding book in her fabulous Days of the Week series coupled with an equal sadness that, upon the release of Sunday's Child, the series had come to a close.
Yep. Been there, done that. As writers, we move into new stories, into new characters, but those we've created never truly leave our hearts.
So, with pleasure, I offer this spotlight and my review of Sunday's Child. Clare, I look forward to what's next!!!
Sunday’s Child on life
seas is tossed, awaiting the lifeboat that rescues the lost…
Hattie Steele feels like
the world is passing her by. Her entire life revolves around the guest house
she runs in Headley Cross with her overbearing twin brother. He even attempts
to undermine her friendship with a handsome guest. Not that famous ex-footballer,
Callum Trant would ever give her a second glance. Hoping to regain control of
her life, Hattie takes a well-earned holiday with her aunt on Penry
After retiring from
football, Callum Trant divides his time between the family business and volunteering
as helm officer on a lifeboat. Danger is nothing new for him. But when he’s
called out on a shout and finds the beautiful innkeeper from Headley Cross on a
sinking vessel, Callum realizes his heart is in danger.
But could Hattie ever
forget his womanizing past and feel the same way? Or will a dangerous rescue
end the relationship before its had time to grow?
Cal turned the boat and
headed into the heart of the storm, keeping the bow of the boat into the
breaking waves. Visibility was down to five feet.
“There’s another flare,”
Sam yelled. “But doesn’t look the same direction.”
“Radar’s got something.”
Cal squinted at the screen.
“There. Two o’clock,
there’s a light.”
Cal aimed the boat at
the faint light he could see between the towering waves. As he grew closer he
could see the hull of the boat with a figure clinging to it. “Phil, toss the
rope to him. If he catches it, bring him in that way. If not rope up and go get
him.” He touched the mic button.
“Penry base this is Ray
of Hope. Found the Petunia Bay. We will need assistance to tow the capsized
boat out of shipping lane. One in the water.”
“Roger that, Cal. Will
send out the RHIB.”
Cal brought the boat
around, bringing it in closer to the wrecked cruiser. He watched the figure on
the boat catch the rope. Then he brought the lifeboat right alongside the
upturned hull. Phil and Sam grabbed the
man and pulled him into the safety of the lifeboat.
“Is there anyone else
with you?” Sam asked.
“Harriet. Where is she?
Did you pick her up, too?”
Hattie’s out here? A
stab of fear filling him, Cal turned in his seat, hoping he was wrong. The
soaked figure was as unmistakable as his clipped posh accent. He wanted to
berate the man for being stupid, but now wasn’t the time. “Where did you last
see her, Markus?”
“Didn’t you find her
“We barely found you.
Where did you last see her?” Oh, God, keep her safe out here.
“Before we capsized. The
boat flipped over so fast. When I came up she was gone.”
Trevor turned the
searchlight on the water around them.
“Sam, check Markus
over.” Cal yelled, fear twisting his gut.
“I’m fine. Harriet was
hurt before she went into the water. She hit her arm on something, and couldn’t
use it.”
“You’re being checked
over regardless. Trevor, rope up in case you need to go in. If she’s hurt she
won’t be able to hold onto the rope.”
“Aye, aye.”
Did he imagine a faint
call for help carried on the wind? “Aim that light over to the right.” The
search light caught sight of something yellow floating on the waves in the
distance. Cal turned the boat around on a dime. Please let it be her.
“There!” Sam yelled.
Cal nodded and
accelerated the boat towards the small yellow shape the light picked out. He
came in close to the figure and Trevor dived over the side into the maelstrom.
Waves crashed over and around them, spray threatening the stability of the
Clare Revell never fails to deliver a romantic thrill ride. Her
latest series, covering the seven days of the week, comes to a pitch-perfect
close in the pages of Sunday’s Child. Retired football player (Soccer, mind
you) Callum Trant now serves as a volunteer lifeboat helmsman with the RNLI
running rescue operations at sea (talk about high drama!). Hattie Steele,
meanwhile, is a ‘nester’ – a cook and hospitality specialist helping her
brother run a vacation lodge. Hattie and Cal come together amidst the literal,
and figurative, storms of life and have to fight a sinister element of Hattie’s
family past in order to find a way to calmer seas…and the love of a lifetime.
Enjoy, friends, and thanks for stopping by!